heavy haulage of 2 heaters à 65,5 to. in wooden boxes
Here we transported 2 heaters in 2 boxes à 65,5 t and accessories in 6 standard tarpaulin trucks from Germany to Russia.
The difficulty here was that the boxes could just be secured through the holes in the floor of the boxes. On the equipment of the shipping line this was impossible as the angle for securing would have been the wrong angle. Securing through the side "windows" was not possible either due to the same reason.
The heaters were placed into the boxes in shape but not secured further. The boxes just were "transport covers". The securing on the trucks was made through the holes in the floor of the boxes. To secure the boxes on the shipping line units we had to saw new openings at the place of the lashing points on the sides of the boxes to place 8 lashing chains for each box inside. After securing, the boxes have been closed. After that the former openings were almost invisible.
The reloading was made with 2 reach stackers à 45 t lifting capacity.
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Extraordinary huge and heavy cargo sometimes require extraordinary actions.
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